LTA Mondial
The Quest
LTA Mondial needed an innovative strategy for positioning and selling its brands, in the context of highly increased competition in the Romanian retail market of vegetable oils generated by the presence of large retailers. It also needed a brand and an image suitable to the image standards of other big producers in the market and to allow the company and the products to differentiate themselves from the competition.
Thus, the old image of the LTA Mondial manufacturer required an update to reflect high production standards, to bridge the gap between the manufacturer’s image and the oil brands, representing a solid and serious sustaining base for the retail brand.
The Solution: LTA Mondial | The Essence of Agriculture
The LTA Mondial image was developed to reflect the essence of the brand and the company’s activity in a suggestive graphical form. Meanwhile, the general graphic style and its compact shape inspire a strong brand, a solid foundation for the company’s retail brands, for its products sold on the retail market.
The globe shaped logo is inspired by the “World” word in the company’s name (Mondial) and reflects the integrated activities of the company and its worldwide expansion.
The changing colors and their progressive transition were chosen to illustrate the company’s evolution but also the different stages of crop production, reaching the full yellow of sunflowers, rape and the droplet of oil. The many shades of green are also used to suggests the diversity of agricultural in the company’s portfolio.
The oil drop is placed at the intersection of all agricultural activities reflecting the final product as a result of an integrated, carefully controlled process.
The joined forms used in the logo design have a multiple meaning. It symbolizes the local geography, the specific hills carefully cherished by the generous sun (yellow) in their center. On the other hand, having the shape of an oil drop, it also symbolizes the final product (oil) as the result of a highly healthy crop (vivid green) and the noble sun.
The fluency of the lines used in the logo’s design and other communication materials were used to suggest a highly dynamic company but also to reflect its activity in the agricultural field, related to nature.
The Approach
The overall objective of the project was to develop a solid brand for the manufacturer in order to represent a solid sustaining base for the retail brand.
The approach was based on understanding the context of the market and identify positioning opportunities in order to build a new image for the LTA Mondial Company. We wanted to represent a strong, serious, reliable base for its retail brands and for the development of other several product brands in the field, adapted to the market dynamics in 2016.
Brand Promise & Positioning
LTA Mondial is a brand directed towards a responsible society, combining attention paid to the quality of the environment and local economic development. The quality of its products is the direct result of a rigorous quality control in every step of the company’s activity, from the raw material used for seeding to the production process. Consequently, both the LTA Mondial products and confidence the company is given are appreciated worldwide.
The company’s brand promise is based on key elements that reflect a consequent way of thinking, feeling and acting through all its activities: respect for nature, the quality reflected in the attention to detail, a long experience and knowledge in the field.
The key principles used in brand positioning were:
High attention to quality, counseling local producers, organic farming, traditional methods of production combined with modern factory facilities and computerized equipment, contribution to the local economy, stability in partnerships, top exporter and confidence gained on the international market.
The LTA Mondial brand personality was build to reflect its promise. Through its designed image and way of communicating, it became a brand that reflects seriousness, attention, and responsibility.
Keywords and Principles Used in Developing the Brand’s Image
essence, expansion, evolution, diversity, flexibility, integrated process, local product
Client-specific materials
About the Client
Founded in 1997, LTA Mondial is specialized in agricultural production and processing of organic and non-GMO cultivation of cereals and oilseeds (sunflower, rapeseed, flax), and the production of organic vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing sunflower seeds, rapeseeds, flax. It is also specialized in production, collection, storage, sorting, and selling organic grains, oils and other food and feed ingredients in numerous varieties. Currently, agricultural production is processed in its own oil factory and shelling department and 49% of oil and shelled seeds production are exported.
The company seeks further product and process innovation, allowing the placing on the market of high-quality products. One of the future goals of the company is large-scale marketing of oils on the retail market in Romania.
Adam Liuta, General Manager