The Quest
Generate awareness: to build a brand that will achieve high reputation among pork meat consumers.
Customer loyalty: to increase the customer base and increase sales volume per customer using customer loyalty tools.
Expanding opportunities: to develop a brand with potential for further expansion in other markets in Europe.
The Solution: CARNEVO | Evolution of Taste
Basics in creative concept development: Taste, Innovation, Quality, Most producers consider tradition, the past, we consider evolution, the future.
The brand impresses a high level of expectations from customers. It is a statement of business and the company will strive to support the message, which will be found in the products they deliver.
Although the word “taste” is highly found among competitors statements, we give a new dimension to the idea, introducing the concept that the we offer more, we are in constant evolution.
The Approach
Naming and identity was developed in a direction that the target is familiar with, excluding totally unconventional market approach.
There was an opportunity to use a blue color scheme, given that competitors use mainly a red color scheme.
We’ve designed a branding concept for the store exterior to draw customer attention and differentiate from the competition while creating the right expectations as to what can be found inside.
The goal was to create a unique shopping experience: a friendly environment, an appropriate staff clothing and attitude, unitary price, a happy but reliable information and products communication, and to develop a unique customer interaction through inspirational images, cool offers and sampling areas with recipes.

Client-specific materials
About the Client
Carnevo Group includes Belsuin and Crinsuin Pig Farms, with a total capacity of more than 100 000 heads, and is a full integrated project, with modern facilities like an own feed mill and grain storage as well as a biogas installation for electricity production.
The group also runs an investment to build a a slaughterhouse and meat processing factory, followed by opening an own chain of stores in Dobrogea counties.
Client Testimonial
We were impressed with Eyedeal team’s ability to understand our objective and to deliver a brand identity that perfectly represents our vision and delivers the innovative and friendly image that we need for a sustained company development.